pure michigan

pure michigan

Friday, September 6, 2013

Dove Hunt and Other Fun Things

September 1st is one of my favorite days of the year.  It's the opening day of dove season and brings back great memories of hunting with my dad and sisters and spending time with family.  This year I was able to go hunting because Brody's mom was in town and stayed with Bailey and Brooklyn while Brody, Jace and I went hunting.  I was so thankful and excited to go out with the boys!  Jace got a new camo shirt and orange vest from Grandma and Papa and slept in them the night before the hunt.  We had a great hunt and Jace did a great job being our bird dog.  Whenever Brody or I would get a bird he would run and find it and then start barking when he found it.  He took the job of "bird dog" pretty serious :).  I don't think that he realized that the dove were for us to eat though because when my dad offered to clean Jace's bird at the end of the hunt Jace looked at him and said, "No, Papa!  I don't want my bird to look like that!".

                                                  Jace showing Aunt Kristina one of his birds.

                                                            Proud Father & Son hunters

                                                    Jace and Papa before the hunt started

                            We got our limit!  Much better than last years 1 bird.  Thanks Uncle John
                                    for letting us hunt at your ranch!  We had so much fun!

Here are a few pictures of some of the other fun things that happened with our family this past month.

                                 Jace & Bailey getting ready to go on a "hike" in our neighbors yard.
                                            They thought that they were going to the mountains.

                       After church one day we went for a walk around Fig Garden.  This was one
                                         of their favorite spots.  Monkey see Monkey do.

                     We have been enjoying going to Grandpa and Grandma's house to exercise lately.
                                          The kids love it too and try to get in on the action.

                     My mom got these masks for the kids to color and then they can wear them.
                     Jace loved it but Bailey didn't :)  This picture makes me laugh whenever I see it.

                Brody, Brooklyn and I got to take a little vacation together to Ojai earlier this month.

                                                         Sunsets at the dairy are the best!

                       Brody's mom got to come down and visit us for Labor day weekend.  We took
                                     the kids to Storybook Land and Playland and they LOVED it!  

                                She thought that my shoes fit her perfectly and was so proud of herself.

                                                      Labor Day picnic and canoe ride

                                    Brooklyn is almost 5 months old!  I can't believe it!

Jace also got to start Awana's Cubbies this month.  He was so excited, and aparently
so was the girl next to him :)

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