pure michigan

pure michigan

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August Update

This month has been full of playing, swimming, reading stories and enjoying our time together as a family and I'm trying to take it all in before Jace starts school next year.  I really don't want this time of no schedule and seeing the kids every day to end.  Until that time I'm going to try and take advantage of having them all home with me all of the time.  Some days that is easier to do than others.
The weather has been a little cooler (low 90's) here so we have been playing outside a lot.  It has been fun to go and play at the river and Jace & Bailey LOVE playing in the dirt.  Brody planted some giant watermelon seeds at our river ranch this year and they grew really well.  The biggest one got to 108 pounds!  We cut it open this afternoon and the kids helped collect the seeds out of it so we can grow more next year.  Surprisingly it tasted pretty good!  

Brooklyn continues to be a very good and easy baby which we are so thankful for.  She also just learned how to roll over and is starting to scoot around as well.  I can't believe that she is 4 months old already!  Jace got her to giggle a little bit today and he was so proud of himself (she laughed a little at Brody the other day but we haven't got her to do it since). 

The farming season is starting to draw to a close so Brody is going to start slowing down pretty soon.  We all look forward to that time since we get to see him a lot more.  He is also able to take the kids to work with him since he isn't so busy.  Bailey got to go with him all by herself for the first time today.  She was so excited and thought that she was a pretty big girl.  Jace, Brooklyn and I stayed home and got to spend some quality time together as well.  

I hope you enjoy these pictures!

                                   This is the start to my morning every day.  I'm a thankful mama!

                                Grandma Marlene picked up Bailey and took her on her first shopping
                                 trip.  She was so excited and talked about it for days afterwards (:
                                         Jace feeding the horses at Grandma and Papa's house.

                                   Jace and Bailey would be perfectly content to sit here all day
                                   and play in the dirt.  (They wanted to dress as pirates, in case
                                          you were wondering what was up with the bandannas).

                                        This is one of the watermelons that we grew this year.

                                                                   Collecting the seeds

                                Brooklyn has officially found her thumb.  She is our first thumb sucker.

                                    Bailey and Brooklyn.  The watermelon that Brooklyn is on
                                                        ended up weighing 108 pounds.

                                                       Jace and the seeds that he collected.

                                                                    108 pound melon

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