pure michigan

pure michigan

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Surprise Visit!

Brody's sister, Natalie, and her two kids, Ryder and Aria, surprised us with a visit this past weekend.  We were so surprised and excited to see them.  They moved to Missouri around Christmas time last year and we have not got to see them since.  (We missed seeing her husband, Dallas, though since he had to stay home and work.)  Another reason that the weekend was so much fun is because Brody's other sister, Heidi, and her husband and little boy also came to visit.  It was the first time since Christmas that we were all together.  We spent the whole weekend together playing in the river, having family dinners, visiting the zoo and just enjoying the time catching up.  Sometimes the holidays are crazy so this was a much more relaxed visit.  It was so much fun to see the kids all play together and really made me wish that we all lived closer.  That said, I was still very thankful for the fun memories that we were all able to make and look forward to all being together again soon!

                                 Bailey and cousin Ryder "hiding" from Jace during one of the many
                                       games of hide-n-seek.  They all LOVED playing together!

                                              Brody, Jace, Brody's sister Natalie, and Aria

                                                   Enjoying the "beach" in sunny California!

                                      Happy kids content with apple juice and watching Peter Pan

Jace enjoyed being everyone's tour guide of the zoo.

Grandpa Bert, Bailey, Jace and Ryder looking at the ostrich

This is one of my favorite pictures of Bailey and Grandpa Bert

Guess what we were looking at... yep, the flamingos!

Group shot at the bird show

Trying to get 6 kids to smile for a group picture is not as easy as it looks :)

Bailey, Ryder and Jace loved playing in the field and moving all of the 
really big rocks into Grandpa Bert's perfectly smooth field :)  They thought
they were helping him by making a "huge" pile of rocks for him.

Once it was time for dessert Bailey knew right where she wanted to be :)

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