pure michigan

pure michigan

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Merry Christmas

Let's see if I can remember what we did for Christmas, it seems like it was so long ago!  Jace and Bailey were so excited this year which made it a ton of fun to celebrate.  I LOVE celebrating Christmas so we were able to do a lot of fun things together.  We made Christmas ornaments, snowflakes, painted wooden Christmas trees and snowmen, made paper chains and made a book of Luke 2.  I wrote the book and after Brody saw one of my drawings he offered to illustrate the rest of it :)  haha.  By the time Christmas rolled around the kids had a good portion of Luke 2 memorized which was my main goal in making the book.  They have such good memories so I figured they may as well be memorizing scripture!

We started our Christmas parties on the 21st and had one every day until the 25th.  It was great to celebrate with all of our family who lives in the area.  The kids did great and had so much fun both giving and receiving gifts this year.  It is so much fun to see how excited they get when they open their gifts.

One thing that I am reminded of every year, especially since having kids, is God's great love for us in sending his son to earth knowing that in the end he would die for our sins.  Looking at my own sweet kids I don't think I would be able to do that for anyone.  It always puts it into perspective how much God really loves us.  I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!  On to 2014!

Our cousin, Rob, brought a train to the Jackson family Christmas
so that all of the kids could have rides!

All of the cousins from new babies to high school at the Jackson
milkshake Christmas party.

This is the best picture that we got of the four grandkids at my
parents house. They were too excited to start opening gifts!

Reading the Christmas story with Papa.  Bailey didn't want Stet to fall.
Merry Christmas from our home to yours!
Bailey was so excited to get a Cinderella costume and
matching shoes and jewelry.

Merry Christmas from Spiderman Stetson

She LOVES her new pink gun from Stet


Christmas at Grandpa Bert and Grandma Tanis's house after
candlelight service.

Playing dads new game.

Christmas morning.  Opening our stockings from Santa.

Bailey got a Little Mermaid barbie

Jace got a dino dig rock where you dig out dinosaurs.  He did not want to play
with anything else and wanted to leave our other Christmas parties early so that
he could come home and play with it more. It took him 3 or 4 days to get all 6
dinosaurs out!

It's always fun to get a big present!

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