We are getting into the full swing of summer around here. Swim lessons are half way over and Brody is super busy at the ranch. Here are some pictures of what we have been up to lately...
This is Bailey's "new" silly face. She decided that she no longer likes her old one. |
This is how taking a family picture usually goes around here. I don't know what is going on. |
This is the best one we got. |
When the river was dry Brody took the kids on horse rides. Bailey had to wear her pink cowgirl clothes :) |
Jace's turn and he didn't want to get off. |
Towards the end of May, Jace and I ran in the Dala Horse Trot in Kingsburg. It's a 2 mile race and Jace almost ran the whole way! He placed 7th in the 5-6 year old category! |
Summer is here and so is all the fresh fruit that we can eat! The kids have started having "Nectarine Time" whenever Brody brings fruit home. |
It didn't take Brooklyn too long to figure out that she LOVES nectarines. |
At the end of May, Brody and I got to get away for four days to the Napa & Sonoma areas. This is one of the wineries that we visited. |
This is the wine cellar at the beautiful winery "Castello di Amorosa". It was a giant castle with most of the rock and iron fixtures brought over from Europe. It took 12 or so years to build it! |
This is the bridge going over the mote of the castle. |
Not all of the fish lived through the drought and it smelled soooo bad! Stetson kept saying, "Dead fish coming through! Another dead fish coming through!" |
Jace, Bailey and Stetson watching the water come in. |
The boys had fun chasing and catching some of the fish that did live. |
Jace and a bass that they caught with their hands. |
And it's starting to look like a river. |
Pool days! Jace is now swimming all on his own and Bailey is in the process of learning but she still likes to wear her pink floatie. |
Brooklyn LOVES the water! We will have to keep a close eye on her this summer. |
We had a lot of cousins up there at the same time as us and they all had so much fun playing together. One of the daily activities was catching frogs, fish and polliwogs. |
Stetson and the giant frog that Brody and Cody caught. |
We celebrated Father's Day early this year so that we could all be together. It was delicious! |
The last day some of our friends brought up a little raft for the kids to play in. Bailey would sit in the raft and feed the ducks while Jace made sure that she didn't float away. |