Well Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! We had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving this year with our family and friends but missed those who were not able to come and be with us. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving we celebrated at my Aunt Sue and Uncle John's house and on Thursday we celebrated with some of Brody's family. Thursday morning our family participated in the Visalia Turkey Trot. Jace was so excited to be racing and had a fun time following Brody around getting ready to run. His run was a couple hundred yards but he was so proud of himself. Brody did the 5k and the kids and I enjoyed a nice walk down mainstreet :) We spent that afternoon with Brody's family and were so excited that his sisters and their families from out of town were able to join us.
We got our Christmas tree a few days after Thanksgiving. This year we decided to go with a live potted Christmas tree in hopes that we can plant it in our yard someday. So far it has been good except for the colony of ants that lives in it. We got a couple of ant traps and hopefully that takes care of the problem. The kids loved helping us decorate it this year. Jace & Brody put the lights on it for us and then we all helped decorate it. Santa even came a little bit early this year and brought special pj's and a new book the night that we decorated our tree. Jace also got a Santa hat that he wore for a few days straight. We even found him sleeping in it.
It was pretty cold here for about a week straight which was a perfect chance for my dad to try out the snow machine that he got last year. He tried to use it last year but it never got cold enough, this year it worked great! We all went over in the morning to play in the snow and have hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls. Brody built up a pile of snow which Jace loved sledding down. He kept running around saying "This is the best winter ever!!!!"
As Christmas gets closer may you take time to spend in God's word and remember the real reason that we are celebrating this holiday season. Thank you God for sending your Son to bring us hope and save us from our sins! Merry Christmas!
Happy Thanksgiving from Brody Jace loved playing with his cousin Ryder
and Brooklyn
Jace and Brody getting ready for the Turkey Trot
The Wilgenburg family after the run
The kids with our Christmas Tree
Story time with dad after the tree was decorated.
My mom had a tree that they weren't using so we
let Jace put it in his room. He loves it!
Let it snow!
I think my dad slept a total of 30 minutes the night he made snow. He
had to put gas in the machine every 15 minutes. It was amazing though!
The next night he got a bigger gas tank :)
I thought I would give Jace an early snow boarding lesson.
Gunner and Ainsley came to play in the snow.
Brody went hunting and Jace & Bailey Bailey's outfit of choice for the park.
loved playing with the "sleeping" birds.
Were trying to get to the park as much as we can when it nice enough to be outside.